It’s fairly easy to make the case for why new builds make for great purchases. Cost savings, renovation avoidance, customization, and mental clarity are convincing reasons to opt for a newly [...]
Make something with your money. Generate monthly income and invest for the long term by buying a rental property. Before taking the plunge into your investment property, there’s a few things to [...]
Condo fees are billed to co-owners on a monthly basis, covering necessary expenses for the regular maintenance of common areas of the building. Condo fees are calculated based on projected costs [...]
In Calgary, we’re fortunate to be able to have large homes with more than enough room for the whole family. But large homes come with lots of maintenance, cleaning, stairs, and much more that you [...]
If you’re like us, you’ve been waiting all of January for the moment when it finally feels appropriate to set out that candy dish of conversation hearts. Yes, Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us, [...]
If you are hosting a get together this Sunday, you may be pretending that it's all about the outcome of the battle. But, everyone knows that the real reason for any party is for everyone to have [...]
What better way to start off the New Year by rolling up your sleeves, and finally tackling your over-stuffed, un-organized and messy closet? If you are already feeling stressed out thinking about [...]
Statistically, when most buyers that are given the choice between new or used homes, the majority will choose new. Most of the people who choose resale don’t consider new homes, because they [...]
Bare land townhomes have become more popular recently as the words "condo fees" seem to intimidate people. In short, bare land townhomes mean that you are responsible for the entirety of your [...]
Purchasing a home is not only a huge accomplishment and something to be very proud of, it's also a great investment. Instead of paying your landlord's mortgage every month, you can be putting [...]