Your Fall Home-Maintenance Checklist

Your Fall Home-Maintenance Checklist

The onset of cooler weather means that your home should be ready for the months ahead. Ideally, homeowners start the winterization process in early-to-mid-fall. This provides an ample amount of time to address all of the areas that will need attention. From gutter cleaning to air conditioning, you can avoid costly consequences by preparing your home for winter before the first snowfall.

Check Your Gutters & Drainage

Maintaining your gutters help forgo roof damage and the need for replacements. Not only can clogged gutters overflow, but cold weather can cause additional issues like freezing and strain on the infrastructure.

Maintain Your Trees & Lawn

Trim overgrown tree branches to keep them away from electrical wires. This reduces the risk of a collapse, fire, and/or electrical outage. Cleaning leaf build-up from your lawn can also prevent it from becoming stifled during the winter, when foliage becomes dormant.

Winterize Your Air Conditioner

It’s easy to ignore your air conditioner as the weather cools. But that is precisely the time when it needs your attention. It’s important to clean and disconnect the unit during the winter months. This will prevent it from being turned on unintentionally and getting damaged. A protective cover can also be useful, shielding it from rain and ice.

Check Your Window Wells

Keeping your window wells clean prevents clogging and water damage. During winter, ice, snow, and debris can gather and lead to serious damage.

Clean Your Dryer Filters

Dryer filters can clog quickly, and too much lint build up is a fire hazard. Cleaning is especially important during winter, when many of us are frequently drying bulky items like blankets, comforters, etc. Plus, cleaning your dryer vent also benefits your wallet. A clogged vent can cause the machine to use up to 30% more energy! All of those loads add up on the hydro bill at the end of the month.

Maintain Smoke & Carbon Detectors

Maintaining your smoke and carbon detectors all year round is essential. During the winter, it can become especially important. Increased cooking and indoor activities increase the risk of a house fire. Home heating systems, such as gas-burning units, can also produce odorless carbon monoxide, which can be deadly if inhaled.

Clean the Furnace Filter

Cleaning your furnace’s filter by removing dust and debris can help maintain an energy-efficient unit. This will save you money on your monthly power bill, improve air quality, and keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Check Roof Shingles

Checking your roof shingles will tell you if replacements are needed. If shingles are missing or damaged, water will not be able to shed properly. This can result in severe damage to your roof and home from the onslaught of rain and snow.

Drain Garden Hoses

It’s important to drain and disconnect your garden hose before cold weather begins. If water freezes in your hose, it can be damaging to your pipes and cause plumbing problems down the line.

Shovel Snow Away From Your Home’s Foundation

Here’s a bonus tip for you during the winter months.

Keep snow and ice away from your home’s foundation to avoid water damage. The built-up moisture seeps into cracks and leads to possible basement flooding. Soil settlement can also happen, causing a home’s foundation to sink.

Be Prepared!

These tips help you avoid common winter-related damage. By properly maintaining and cleaning vulnerable areas, you can get your home winter-ready. Why worry about the consequences when you can be proactive? Start today, and get a head start on winter maintenance!

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