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Keys will be presented upon possession at the closing day walkthrough. or, if you are participating in the Rental Guarantee Program: The property management company will take both sets of keys [...]
The owner is responsible for setting up and paying for the utilities for their unit. Most utility providers require a lead time of 3-4 weeks to ensure a smooth transition. The most popular [...]
If you wish to be present for your walk-through, please provide us with a minimum of 30 days’ notice before possession. Email, and they will contact you to [...]
Please refer to the project’s estimated timeline in your purchase contract. We will provide a notice of completion and a possession letter 30-90 days before possession, which will be sent [...]
As the purchaser, you do not need to enroll in the Alberta New Home Warranty program yourself. Upon possession, you will receive the warranty certificate and builder number. Within two weeks of [...]